About us / Call for participants

NEW PUBLICATION – EMIL LAZĂR, ALEXANDRU CONSTANTIN STRUNGĂ, DAVIAN VLAD, GEORGIANA CAMELIA STĂNESCU (EDITORS), SOME SIGNIFICANT MILESTONES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES [The Proceedings of CIL 2024: The Eleventh Edition of International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences – Creativity, Imaginary, Language, Craiova, Romania, 17-18 May 2024 (www.cilconference.ro)], ISBN 978-606-11-8798-0

Call for submissions

The international conference for Social Sciences

“Communication. Information. Learning” 2024 – 11th Edition

VIRTUAL PRESENTATION. 17th – 18th of May 2024.

2024 conference agenda

The aim of the conference is to enable a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue between the domains of social sciences . The conference will include two types of activities:

– Presentations within the sections, on domains, sciences, specialisations;

– Interdisciplinary round tables, on topics of wide interest, to be determined after the reception of titles and abstract of presentations.

More information about participation can be found here.

Conference domains: 

Communication Sciences: Communication and Public Relations, Journalism

Education sciences, Psychology, Behavioural sciences

Sociology, Political and Administrative Sciences


CIL 2024
– May 10th 2024 – Registration form (in the attached file)
– May 12th 2024 – Confirmation of participation.
– May 14th 2024 – Proof of payment of the registration fee and submission of papers.


Conference languages: Romanian, English, French. The title, abstract (200 – 250 words) and keywords (3 – 5 keywords) of the contributions will be in English.

The registration fee is 70 RON / 15 Euros.

RON account: RO08RZBR0000060021886359, opened at the Raiffeisen Bank, BIC RZBRROBU. Beneficiary: Davian Vlad

Please send the Registration form, by the 10th of May 2024. After confirmation, please send a scanned proof of your payment at [email protected] by 14th of May 2024.

Publication & requirements

Papers (8 -12 pages) shall be published in the conference volume at publishing houses acknowledged by CNCSIS for specific fields.

For the social science researchers: the conference volume shall be published at an A2 publishing house.

For further information, please contact the organising committee at [email protected].


MARGINS:  2cm / 2 cm / 2 cm /2 cm

TITLE: Times New Roman, capitalised, 14, bold, centred.

AUTHOR’S NAME: Name, SURNAME, TNR, 12, bold, right.

Under the name: title, institution, e-mail address.

ARTICLE: Times New Roman, normal, 12, single, justified.

The conference Communication. Information. Learning uses the Chicago system of academic writing. Further details on The Chicago Manual of Style available at http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html

Citing requirements:

1. Books

a. single author

Bibliography: Kourik, Robert. 1998. The lavender garden: beautiful varieties to grow and gather. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

In the text: (Kourik 1998)

b. Two or three authors

Bibliography: Flinders, David J. and Geoffrey E. Mills, eds. 1993. Theory and concepts in qualitative research: perspectives from the field. New York: Teachers College Press.

In the text: (Flinders and Mills 1993)

c. More than three authors

Bibliography: Kimble, John M., Rattan Lal, and Ronald F. Follett, eds. 2002. Agricultural practices and policies for carbon sequestration in soil. Boca Raton, Fla.: Lewis Publishers.

In the text: (Kimble, et al. 2002)

d. an institutional author

Bibliography: Ohio State University. Natural Resources Institute. 1959. A directory of Ohio facilities and services for resource conservation. Columbus: Natural Resources Institute.

In the text: (Ohio State 1959)

2. Articles

a. Journal articles, single author

Bibliography: Terborgh, J. 1974. Perservation of natural diversity: The problem of extinction-prone species. BioScience 24:715-22.

In the text: (Terborgh 1974, 720) or (Terborgh 1974)

b. Journal articles having two authors

Bibliography: Bolzan, J.F. and K.C. Jezek. 2000. Accumulation rate changes in central Greenland from passive microwave data. Polar Geography 27(4):277-319.

In the text: (Bolzan and Jezek 2000, 280) or (Bolzan and Jezek 2000)

c. Newspaper articles                                       

Bibliography: newspaper articles are not to be mentioned in the Bibliography.

In the text: “In an article on rampage killers (New York Times, April 10, 2000), Laurie Goodstein and William Glaberson describe…”

d. Encyclopaedia entries

Bibliography: Encyclopaedia entries are not to be mentioned in the Bibliography.

In the text: “In his article on Nebo in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Morris Jastrow noted that…”

3. Electronic and Internet sources

a. Electronic journals or newspapers

Bibliography: Thomas, Trevor M. 1956. Wales: Land of Mines and Quarries. Geographical Review 46, no. 1: 59-81. http://www.jstor.org/ (accessed June 30, 2005).

In the text: (Thomas 1956)

b. Electronic books

Bibliography: Rollin, Bernard E. 1998. The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain, and Science. Ames, Iowa. The Iowa State University Press. http://www.netlibrary.com (accessed June 30, 2005).

In the text: (Rollin 1998)

c. Electronic sites

Bibliography: Roach, John. 2005. Journal Ranks Top 25 Unanswered Science Questions. http://news.nationalgeographic.com (accessed July 7, 2005).

In the text: (National Geographic 2005)  


You can contact us by filling in this form or via email at [email protected]